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Zomato Frontend Clone

Stack : React Js

About Zomato Clone (Tomato) Project :

Zomato Clone - Food Delivery Application Clone using React JS. In this Zomato App clone I have cloned maximum pages Home page, User Profile page, Food Selection page, Settings page etc...

As it is only frontend clone I have added static data but in a dynamic way so data can be changed easily or added easily.

Project Demonistration Video:

Zomato clone demonistration video

Pages Developed:

  1. Home Page
  2. Add a Restaurant Page
  3. User Profile Page
  4. Restaurant Home Page
  5. Restaurant Order Page
  6. Restaurant Review Page
  7. Restaurant Photos Page
  8. Restaurant Menu Page
  9. Get The App Page
  10. Order Page
  11. Dinning Page
  12. Nightlife Page

Libraries Used:

Library NameDescription
React JsFrontend Framework
React SlickFor carousel's in the project
slick-carouselFor carousel's in the project (used with React Slick)
React Router v6Routing library
FormikLibrary for Forms

Tools Used:

Tool NameDescription
VitejsVitejs is a development environment tool
YupValidation tool
YarnPackage Manager tool

To start the project use commands: (After cloning the project)

  1. yarn
  2. yarn run dev

Home Page:

home page

Add Restaurant Page:

add restaurant page

Order Online Page:

order online page

User Profile Page:

user profile page

Hotel Order Page:

hotel order page

Project Started Date: june, 11, 2022

Project Completed Date: july 19, 2022

Sample user credentials are:

phone: 9999999999 (fake)

then press "send otp" then "Ok".

Source Code and Live Project links are given at the top of this article.